
MD5 Signatures
0050c32bbeb3638732587d09eee4d218 traceproto-1.1.1.tar.gz
621d69c14ff69243353d743f7beb6c8f traceproto-1.1.2beta0.tar.gz
093a26aba3fa7b4f35de5285498ce50e hopwatcher-0.9.2.tar.gz
Older Signatures
Traceproto is a traceroute replacement written in c that allows the user to specify the protocol and port to trace to. It currently supports tcp, udp, and icmp traces with the possibility of others in the future.
How it Works
HopWatcher is a perl wrapper for TraceProto that saves state on the path to a remote location. Meant to be easily scriptable, all of the options are kept in a config file and the state is save in a data file.

When run, HopWatcher calls TraceProto with the options listed in the config and saves the output. It then compares the output to the data file and lists any differences. Depending on how it is set up, HopWatcher will then either exit with a return status indicating whether there were any inconsistancies, or will rewrite the data file with the latest list of hops

Want to be famous? You too can see your name listed as a Contributor to TraceProto. Be the envy of all of your friends. Awe your enemies. Sleep well at night knowing that your efforts are aiding world peace. (We might be a little over the top here, but you get the idea.)

How? Easy. Have an idea for a new feature? Request it. Find a bug? Submit it. Have a patch? Submit it too. We'd also love to hear from you, even if its just to say "Hey, I got it to compile on platform X."

TraceProto 1.1.2beta0 Released

This version includes ECN support, better icmp type detection and reporting, and AF independent resolver functions as the first step towards IPv6 support.


TraceProto 1.1.0 Released

Some of the new features included since version 1.0.0 include AS lookups, several new command line flags, libcap functionality, timestamps with several formats, several environmental variables, the memory leak fix, and the new curses output style.


TraceProto 1.0.0 released

TraceProto is a traceroute replacement that allows tracing using user specified protocols and ports. Version 1.0.0 is the first full release after the beta tests.

New features added or improved during the testing include random starting source ports, reverse tracing, several new output styles including an easily scriptable style, improved documentation, and an improved install. A wrapper script written in perl which allows for monitoring of path changes is also available. A server daemon version of TraceProto has been started as well and will be added to the CVS soon.


HopWatcher wrapper script released

HopWatcher is a perl wrapper for TraceProto that saves state on the path to a remote location. Meant to be easily scriptable, all of the options are kept in a config file and the state is save in a data file. When run, HopWatcher calls TraceProto with the options listed in the config and saves the output. It then compares the output to the data file and lists any differences. Depending on how it is set up, HopWatcher will then either exit with a return status indicating whether there were any inconsistancies, or will rewrite the data file with the latest list of hops.


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